You Have To Put A Jealous Female Dog In Her Place

1 John 4:10 (King James Version)


Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.


Now, today I had to check a ugly female dog because she is jealous of me and yes I had to embarrass her infront of her kids and tell her that yes she is indeed a female dog. I told her to back up and she did, and I quickly realized that though she runs her mouth she does not want me to knock her out infront of her kids. And y’all this was a black woman let me make that very clear. Afterwards, a woman came to me and told me that that woman is NOT on my level and that the other girl is jealous of me , and I have to much going for myself . She reminded me that I have a daughter name Ruth, and that female dog is not worth it and that I am a God fearing. Then God told me , me and my man getting back together and getting married so there is no point. But I have to say this because God is blessing me to get my charges dropped and dismissed in New Bern, and then satan sent that ugly cowardly female dog because she know she can get draaaggggggggeeeeeeeedddddddddddddd. Because I can and I will drag her infront of her kids . But God reminded me that though I am allowed to have self-defense I will not be arrested again and God protects me. Anyways , no one likes her all the women around her argue with her because she is ignorant. You all know that I love black culture, but some black women just ratchet and ignorant and jealous because no man wants them ! At the end of the day ? My baby daddy looks WAY better than any man she could even THINK about, and the men that want me ? Would NEVER give her the time of the day. I been losing weight and getting my body right for my next man, I am NOT thinking about her ugly nappy head self and her ugly kids. In Jesus Name. My daughter pretty and her daughter ugly, I said what I said. Also, mothers when you have a cute daughter you have to protect your daughter from this ignorant ratchet black women that sit around and listen to rap music all day but can’t spell or read. Seriously, the girl can’t even spell or read and she running her mouth, God just told me to ignore her because she is afraid of me. So if you are woman that is cute, stay away from these ugly ratchet females… and ho? I just want to post a picture of my baby father below and I want you to know that he would NEVER want your ugly musty roach looking self. In Jesus Name.

Love Queen Diamond,

Haha ho this my baby daddy and your baby daddy look like a roach ! My baby father would NEVER in his life even give you the time of the day you ugly roach looking broad ! When you see his picture I want you to know that you are to ugly for him to even breathe in your presence ugly ho !

Miss you bae lol tell your girlfriend I love you ahahaha

Date: 2/15/2024

I Really Would Like A Husband …

But if they can’t control themselves, they should go ahead and marry. It’s better to marry than to burn with lust. – 1 Corinthians 17:9


So lately a lot of men have been trying to get my attention and telling me that I’m beautiful. I appreciate it but I kind of lie and tell them that I’m married because I don’t know how to tell them that I’m not dating right now . But , I would like a husband . Yet , because of social media I just don’t know how that’s going to work . My ex-husband framed me and set me up with the police for things I did not do thankfully the charges were dropped . He cheated with some ugly dirty and ratchet female from Waffle House and got hooked on drugs behind my back . Yet he maintains his lie that he is a married man and he never cheated which is a bunch of crap !
But I can’t help that I want a husband . I want a man that I can lay next to and keep me warm , a man to make love to . But I don’t trust anyone . Most women that I have met that have been abused like me , are becoming lesbians . Yet , I’m not a lesbian I’m still attracted to men …. But I feel like there is no more good men … I would like a man because I am lonely and would like just someone to talk to . But I don’t know if I will ever be able to trust again because of what my ex husband did to me . Sometimes I hate being a prophet because while everyone gets to enjoy being married , I have to go on this stupid journey on loneliness that I did not sign up for . Just being honest . I would like a husband .

Facts From Queen Diamond ,

God… I Will Wait For My Adam.

15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” – Genesis 2:15-18


The beginning of Adam and Eve love story is a powerful story. It shows how God specifically designed a woman who was the perfect fit just for Adam. I have been doing a lot of thinking and yes , I am having baby fever I realize that I need not return back to the men who have hurt me so bad in the past. I really believe the next man I have his child will be my Adam, even if the baby is out of wedlock. I don’t want a fling , but a man that understands my personality and understands how I am.

  • A man that understands that I HATE drama and mess.
  • A man that is faithful and honest.
  • A man that is a man of God and has a holy fear and son love for God.
  • A man that is truthful and not abusive.

I realize that I cannot pretend to be anyone that I am not, and yes I will get married again because God told me, but I need a Adam. I need a man that views me as his Eve. I need a man that understands me and I understand him, a man that works with me and not against me. A man that is not fake or phony, I need a real man. I realized that I need an Adam.

With Love,

Queen Diamond

Date: 2/04/2024

Ordered Alliances For Your Protection

Psalm 105:15King James Version

15 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.


Sometimes Christian believers go through some things where people get so privately jealous that people do some of the most evil things , and then God steps in and stops them before they can fulfill what they wanted to do. Today on February 2,2024 God was speaking to me about ordered alliances . That some principalities are so evil that you have to align with other people to deal with the principalities evil and wicked plan that is ordered by God to fail. When Joseph was in prison he had an alliance that led to his promotion . When Daniel was in the lions dens , the lions that were meant to kill him ended up being his alliance for his deliverance . People put Daniel in the lions den and those lions were his weapon to combat the schemes of the devil . I want you to know that God already has someone there to aid you as your alliance . You have every right to stand up for yourself . You have every right to defend your self and to protect yourself against every accusation especially when it comes to the protection of your kids . So today , I want you to know that God is reversing the curse and using what is happening as your alliance to defeat your enemy . God is working that situation out for the good .

Romans 8:28New King James Version

28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 

Queen Diamond

These New Kids Are Not Bad They Are Lawless

Matthew 24:12-26New King James Version

12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved. 14 And thisgospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.


Now hear what I say as a mother . These kids are not bad they are lawless . As a mother I have certain rules and expectations from my daughter in regard to her behavior and raising her as a young lady . I read the Bible with my daughter and fill her with the word of God , and Ruth is homeschooled . I make sure NO ONE touches , bullies , or threatens my daughter that’s how I am as a mother . Yet , I realized that some of these other kids are lawless . They hit their mothers , they yell and curse at their mothers , they disrespect their mothers , and they are only 5 years old . That’s not bad that is lawless ! Now there was times I was a bad kid but I was being abused and acting out , I got my act together . These kids are LAWLESS ! Not ghetto they are lawless ! This is why I homeschool my daughter and I honestly feel sorry for these teachers because these kids are absolutely lawless and then they can’t fight , but they have the nerve to play the victim . It’s best to stay away from lawless kids because if they disrespect their own mothers then they’ll do it to you as well . God said lawlessness will abound in the last days . Don’t waste your time trying to raise other people children who are lawless instead focus on raising your healthy child . By the way I absolutely recommend Christian parents to HOMESCHOOL their kids because these kids in the public school system are beyond lawless . And yes , a parent has every right to defend their child against a lawless child . Period.

Date : 2/01/2024

Discerning A Monitoring Demonic Spirit

“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.” – Matthew 7:6

Because I am getting older I have less patience for stupidity . I don’t waste my time arguing with people when I know that I’m right because I made the decision not to waste my precious energy on stupidity. With that being said , I realized that people talk way to much around the wrong people . People don’t realize how crazy and ignorant some people are . Are people realizing that if you tell the wrong person where you work they will call your job behind your back and lie on you to get you fired for absolutely no reason at all . It’s a sign that we are in the last days . I realized that sometimes people get so arrogant about a tiny “come up” that they start talking way to much and ultimately they say something in front of the wrong person and loose everything . I have had to learn to be quiet . I have had to learn the hard way about fake people and fake friends . But as I am evolving God is revealing more about discerning a witch and not to be deceived by their appearance.

You have to learn to BE QUITE ! Do not tell even your closest relative your next move because there is demonic spirit loosed as of January 31,2024 and it is a spirit of betrayal. You have to stay 10 steps ahead of the enemy . Sometimes you have to work with people and wait on God , knowing that Jesus already said to stay away from people or they will betray you . When those moments happen , heed the voice of God so you can avoid unnecessary drama , but if you ignore that voice that is constantly warning you about someone then you will find your self in terrible trouble .

So understand that no you don’t have to be paranoid , but you have to watch your back because people are crazy and you don’t know what people are capable of especially when jealousy is involved .

Queen Diamond